#teachingavarosetl: Counting Stickers

Hi Lovelies, 

Day 8 of RMO. And the PM announces that there will be extra 14 days more now.. It’s worrying at the same time seeing the death numbers increase. It’s terrifying at the same time seeing so many people contracting the covid-19 virus. Please, stay home and stay safe. 

So I’m going to try my best to teach her do activities with her as much as I can. Today, we’re counting stickers! 

Things you need:
- paper
- stickers (we always get our stickers stash from Daiso) 
- Marker pen 

All you need to do is write down the numbers at the side.

It’s really simple. Following the numbers shown. Stick the amount of stickers next to it. 

Oh! Stickers are a great big help with motor skills as well! 😉 

Till tomorrow. Stay home, stay safe! 

- CC 


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