Nail Tutorial: Half Blue Moon

Heya! Time for a nail tutorial! Well honestly, this week I'm pretty lazy so I wanted something simple for the nails. 

You guys would know by now that Blue has always been my most favourite colour of all. So this week, we will be doing something blue, something sparkly and something simple. 

1. Base Coat
- Very important ok! So just apply them will you!! 

2. Half Moon Blue
- Using your blue nail polish you want to paint on half moon nails. The other reason to love half moon nail art, they last longer and as your nails grow you still have nails that look as if they were still the same. You nail lovers get what I mean.. I don't even know how to explain anymore..  image

3. Silver Lining
- Using a silver nail polish, you want to just paint on a line at the arch of the nail. (Sorry forgot to take the picture after I applied the glitter nail polish. image )

4. Bling Bling
- This is the fun part, I only applied 1 big blue rhinestone at the side of the nail. But on my nail finger, I made something that looks like a tiara with pearls rhinestones and little silver balls.

5. Top Coat
- And you are done!!

5 easy peasy steps to pull of this look. Apa Macam? I love it!! So simple, but at the same time drawing some attention with the awesome blue and bling. image 


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