Nail Tutorial: Valentines Nail Week #3

I've finally learned to do this nail art. I've been wanting to do this nail art for the longest darndest time but never got a chance to. So finally I managed to get it right. Again, I need to stress.. I'm not a pro at creating all these nail art designs and all.. Still in a learning page. =)

1. Base Coat. I love OPI's base coat.

2. A light base color. I chose this grey-ish color from OPI. Love that my roses will stand out with this base color. This is 2 layers.

3. Using a dotting tool, dot on 2 red dots and 2 white dots. Like that. *Sorry that the lighting suckes.*

4. Using the smaller dotting tool, you mix the red and the white together in circle motion. Creating a rose effect. Now you do not have to create a perfect circled rose, roses are not round anyways. So this does not have to be perfect.

5. Using a green, draw on the leaves.

6. Apply on the Top Coat and your done!

Perfect for your Valentines Date. =) Have a great Valentines Day folks!! =)


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