Thank you Kakak.
Today, we said goodbye to our helper.
She has been the biggest help we had for the past 2 years. It was difficult for me to say goodbye to her, she has been such a big help when it came to house chores and my FIL. It was honestly nice to wake up to the house all cleaned. I didn’t have to worry about laundry, I did not have to worry about washing dishes after cooking up a storm. Every time there was a delivery, I did not have to run down or out the door to pick it up. She was always there. She was such a great big help.
It was difficult to get help 2 years ago, oh the amount of helpers we had who ran away / disappeared. Because the responsibility was too much. It was never an easy task having to help care for someone with Alzheimer’s. But this little helper of ours was heaven sent. She helped me so much with my FIL. AR was my responsibility so I often told her not to worry about AR, so her main priority was to help mostly with my FIL. And because of that, I will forever be thankful for everything she has done.
Many have often told me I ‘spoil’ my helper too much.
No. We respect her as a human being.
For us honestly, when helpers walk in our home. We treat them as family. They eat whatever we eat, they are not our slaves but they are here to help us. To ease our burdens. Of course once in a while, she can get on our nerves. Little things start to annoy us, but we pushed it aside. But we often reminded ourselves, she is not a burden no she is here to help.
Family functions, festive celebrations we often got her to join in. She was part of our little family. She often took pictures of us having birthday celebration or festive seasons and sent it to her family. Festive seasons were our favourite, we’d go shopping for new clothes and shoes. She would take loads of pictures whenever we went out, till Covid shut everything down and we were cooped up at home. And she never got to go out after.. But she still did what she did and never once complained.
She wanted to continue working for us, but we.. Well we wanted to explore new challenges. It wasn’t an easy decision to say no to her, we took months. The agent had to call us monthly to ask if we wanted to renew her work permit or not. So in the end, we had to say goodbye.
This was our first picture together. Can you believe it?
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you D. Thank you so much for helping me through my biggest struggle, thank you for helping pick up when I couldn’t. Thank you for keeping our home feel like a home. Thank you for being part of our little family. We wish you well, God willing one day.. We’ll meet again.
Till tomorrow readers.