#teachingavarosetl: (Little World) Buggy Bug World
Hello Daddies & Mommies,

Initially, AR was a little terrified having to touch these life sized insects. She was a little nervous.. I had a big book about insects and I took that out and looked up all the insects we had to make sure I named them correctly.

Got to teach her the lifecycle of each different insects too. She kept saying the worms / larvae was gross. Hah!

In the end, she was brave enough to hold the huge insects and observed them up close. What I love about these big insects, it’s so lifelike. Realistic!! And to see this little brave one hold up each insects and observe them were pure bliss.

She’d turn them over, look at them up close.

It’s been a while I have not posted anything on the blog. Motherhood has gotten busier, what more I the middle of motherhood madness.. We’re preparing to move (yet again) to a new #lonjmaison (really hope this is the last time we move.)
Few weeks ago, AR caught a bad stomach bug and had been vomiting non stop. So we kept her home, now most of you know how active AR is. So, I decided to re-do one activity we did before with her. Insect play (again) but with bigger insects this time. And at the same time, spend our last few moments outside the backyard enjoying the beautiful fresh air and sun. (Can you tell I’m really not excited for the move at all?)
Anyways, here are the things you need.
- Water Beads
- Big Insects (Got these from Aquaria KLCC)
- Playing tools
- Books about Insects
Initially, AR was a little terrified having to touch these life sized insects. She was a little nervous.. I had a big book about insects and I took that out and looked up all the insects we had to make sure I named them correctly.
Got to teach her the lifecycle of each different insects too. She kept saying the worms / larvae was gross. Hah!
In the end, she was brave enough to hold the huge insects and observed them up close. What I love about these big insects, it’s so lifelike. Realistic!! And to see this little brave one hold up each insects and observe them were pure bliss.
She’d turn them over, look at them up close.
She explored all the insects, learnt more about them and of course she went crazy with the water beads. She got to pretend play too, feeding the insects, Some of the water beads became eggs to the insects too. Oh such joy looking at her little brains and hands at work.
Grow up slowly AR, take your time and explore away. Most of all... Have fun learning.
Till the next post.
- CC