#teachingavarosetl: Color Sorting Tube
Hello Daddies & Mommies,
I LOVE POM POM BALLS! They are really handy when it comes to activities for AR. And I've actually done a lot of activities with them.
And here's another activity to add to the list!
I love recycling materials and using them to create activities for AR. So we had a lot of toilet rolls lying around and we decided to have fun with them.
Things you need:
- Toilet Rolls
- Pom Pom Balls
- Paint
- Sensory Tools
I painted the toilet rolls to whatever colored pom pom balls I had. Tapped them to the wall, well then again blue tacked them to the wall.
I put the pom pom box in a tray together with the sensory tools.
All she had to do was to sort the pom pom balls into the proper tube and watch them drop through the tube. Simple and easy way to learn about colors.
Eventually AR got fed up with the sensory tools cause she felt her fingers did a better job at picking the balls.
She had her cousin sister guide her through at first, in the end she starting recognising the names of the colors and got to sort out all the pom pom balls into the right tube eventually.
Can't wait to try more activities using pom pom balls.
Till then.. Have FUN!
- CC