#teachingavarosetl: Scoop The Beans
Hello Daddies & Mommies,
It's been a crazy hectic week. And here we are starting another crazy hectic week today. I wanted to do an activity that was fun and would give little AR's finger a work out.. So I thought, beans! Why not beans right? Since we used some Mung Beans / Green Beans in her previous activity.. And instead of throwing them out we recycled em and made another activity!! *hoooorrrraaaayy*
This is messy. And let me just say it was a bad idea for me to allow AR to play with this activity in our living room and on the carpet. It was hard searching for the beans later on. Best to do this outdoors or with a tray. Makes cleaning up easier. TRUST ME!
Things you need:
- Beans. (Green Beans , Red Beans whatever beans you have)
- 3 containers
- Spoons
I loved this activity so much because it gave me loads of time to sort out whatever I needed and AR sat very still playing with the beans.
She was scooping and pouring and picking the beans into different bowls.
Best of all she was having fun doing it!
She can differentiate colors now so it was interesting to see that she would pick the red beans and separate them into different container. Hey, that's another activity all together!
She even pretended that she was cooking. LOL.
Of course, dear parents with younger toddlers / babbies please please please keep an eye on them and teach them it is dangerous to put the beans into their mouths.
AR had a body guard constantly on her side. HAH!
But try to give them space to figure it out too. You'd be surprise how smart they are. And watching their little fingers work. Such pure delight.
Most importantly.. Remember.. Let them have fun, make a mess and go crazy.
- CC.