#ClareDIY: Can of Activities
Hello Daddies & Mommies,
Lately, this girl of mine have been on this clingy phase. To the extend, when I need to get my stuff sorted I have this clingy one holding on to me. It was really hard, so I quickly whipped up an activity to entertain her while I got my stuff sorted.
Here are the things you need:
- An empty can. One that has a lid which your LO knows how to open and is safe.
- Strong Glue (If you want to decorate your can)
- Blade
- Cutter to cut the pipe cleaner, or scissors.
- Pipe Cleaners
- Cards
- Decoration (Only if you want to decorate your can.)
Well I wanted to decorate the can. So I just took whatever remaining stuff I had in my crafting box and decorated it.
All you need to do is cut out a slot for the card.
Two more holes for the pipe cleaners. (Again, up to you if you want to decorate it.)
And you are done! Easy peasy right? Now just bring out some pipe cleaners and some cards.
AR struggled with the cards at first cause she was holding on to teddy... Hah! Eventually she got the hang of it.
The pipe cleaners were easy for her. I made the hole smaller tho so she had to learn to push and pull the pipe cleaners through...
I must say tho, this activity was so easy to do and I managed to do whatever I needed to. Give it a try! And most importantly have fun with your LO!
- CC