#teachingavarosetl: Pick Up Sticks

Hello Daddies & Mommies, 

I'm almost done with updating the blog with activities of Lil Lady Boss. Keyword: Almost. Did so many more activities cannot wait to finish updating. Haha. Serves me right for procrastinating all the time. 

This was an activity that requires a lot of junk eating (for the adults) and recycling. I love ice creams. And I love my Super Rings. When we moved to the new #lonjmaison we were in the midst of unpacking and trying to settle down. At the same time, we were also preparing for Christmas... So Lil Lady Boss as always, wanted to get herself busy. 

Things you need
- Ice Cream Sticks
- Empty Container

I love ice creams... So we collected loads of the lolli sticks. (With help of course) And since I finished a whole tub of Super Rings to myself we had an empty one lying around. Heheheh.

All you need to do  is cut a small hole on the top cover.

And let the little fingers and brains get to work.

Lil Lady Boss managed to figure out how to open the container, pour out the sticks and start over again. This was one of her favourite activity. And each time she saw this container she would just grab it, sit in a corner and play with it.

Helps a lot with the little motor skills too! Try it!

