#teachingavarosetl: Messy Paint

Hello beautiful people, forgive me for being MIA again. We were busy moving #lonjmaison (again) and got so caught up with that I have yet again neglected my blog. Sorry la. Once again, I'm trying to catch up on all my late posts. I really suck as a blogger mom. Sorry again. 

Anyways, here is another master piece Lil Lady boss did. Another beautiful work of art for us to put in her room. image

Here are the things you need. 

1. Canvas / Paper
2. Scissors
3. Masking Tape
4. Paint. 

1: Using the masking tape, do whatever decorations you want. I thought her initials would have been just fine for this work.

2. Apply on the paints all around it.

3. If you want it less messy and less clean up put a layer of cling wrap on the canvas.

4. Let the little one make a mess!!

Lil lady Boss had fun spreading out the colors and trying to use her fingers to move and swirl around the paint.

5. When they are done, simply remove the cling wrap and the masking tape. And there you have it. All done!

6. Well you have the option to draw more or leave it as it is. It's entirely up to you. I used a black paint to draw on some lines and perfect her initials to show her name. 

Time to get messy with your little one! Let them have fun!! I'm sure you will enjoy the beautiful master piece that will hang on your wall. 
