#ClareDIY : Lego Hairbands
I realised I have not done a DIY blog for the longest time! So thought I'd blog about something simple and yet so totally awesome!
I made this really cool Wonder Woman Lego hairband for Lil Lady Boss few months back. And since it was such a big hit with so many people, thought I'd do another one.
Its honestly really easy to do.
All you need.
- A stretchy hairband
- A lego figurine
- E6000 glue
Step 1
- I got the stretchy hairband from Spotlight.
Step 2.
- If the lego figurine has hair, you may want to remove that first.
Step 3.
- Glue on the Lego Figurine to the hairband.
Step 4.
- Glue on the hair to the Lego Figurine.
Step 5.
- Let it dry up. AND YOU ARE DONE!
So easy right??