2nd Year Anniversary - Angel Children's Home.

In a blink of an eye, here we are.. Le Hulk Hubster and I celebrated our 2nd year wedding anniversary. This year, yet again.. We opted to do something fun and different. This time, with the help of all our loved ones and close friends. 

So, few weeks back before we celebrated our anniversary I posted this on my Facebook. 

The feedback at first was very disappointing. I didn't know what to do, we could not collect enough donations. I didn't wanna bug people, or beg them.. I already felt guilty to have to message some friends to ask for donations. Then there was Le Hulk Hubster, inspiring me to still go for it. Make it happen, even if the feedback was bad. We would still give it our all and just try our best to collect enough donations. Somehow, I felt as if someone above was lending a helping hand. 

Donations started pouring in. And we collected in total RM3,200 in a week!! If it wasn't for my family and friends we would not have been able to collect that amount of money!! To those who helped us by donating their time and money (you know who you are) I truly cannot thank you enough. 

With that money we collected, we bought their daily needs. Few days before I messaged the home care taker to ask what they needed and she sent me a list of things they wanted.. So earlier this morning.. We went and did the groceries. 


Think the cashier was thinking we were throwing some party. LOL. Cause our list was extremely looooonnnnngggg and I mean lllloooonnnnngggg!! 

But the total of it was RM398.40. So I used some of the donated money to purchase this stuff. 

And the remaining money, every single cent was donated to the Angel Children's Home. Every single cent. 

2 days before we went grocery shopping, my dear uncle and aunt donated 2 bag loads full of stationaries for the kids. And since it is going to be a new semester soon.. and it's Christmas season why not right? Kids get a new whole set of stationaries for school. 

After getting everything including lunch for the kids.. We were on our way to the home. A bit of a story to tell before I talk about the home. 

When Le Hulk Hubster and I decided to do something like this for our anniversary. We wanted to help a home where it wasn't that well known and not many people know about it. I did my research throughly.. I went searching high and low. Somehow, all signs pointed to this certain house.. They were only allowed to have 15 kids in that home, because they could not afford to have more than that. And, some of these kids there were orphaned, abandoned, abused or underprivileged.. That was how I stumbled upon Angel Children's Home. 

Yesterday, Belinda (the caregiver) informed me that there will only be 7 kids in the home because the rest were off for camp. There are at least 14 kids in this home. 9 girls, 5 boys. Aged from 2 - 17.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by this friendly lil boy. Jimmy, he calls himself the gatekeeper. He smiled, opened the door and even offered to carry all the things into the house for us. (Such a lil man) We started to introduce ourselves, slowly mix around and got to know each of the lil kids. 


We even sat down for lunch with them too! And the place is soooooo small that, a small hall is turned into their dining area.

I honestly had a lot of fun with them, talking to them and getting to know them. I didn't like to hear their story of how they got to that home, but was just glad to be able to be there to share smiles, laughters and stories. :)

What I learnt from spending time with these amazing kids, never take your child for granted. They are special in their own ways, each and everyone of them. I know sometimes have a kid can be stressful, but it is truly a blessing to see them smile. They should always be given the equal amount of love. Never take them for granted and always, always keep in mind that when you are given a child from God.. it is the greatest gift you will ever receive.

I want to specially thank a few people. Trish, Astrid, Guan, Damun, A. Jeanette, Esther, Crys, The BEC of St Patrick Sec 17, and Le Hulk Hubster for donating. And I wanna thank my in laws, my family, Subash and his family, Nyok and Isabel for being there with us.

You all have no idea how much you all have helped us, help them. A small way always goes a long way.

 Again, I am not bragging about this. I did this because I was always taught to give back.. So to be able to do this on a special occasion for us meant the world. And to have each and everyone of you help us and spend time with us made it extra special and meaningful. I cannot thank you enough.

To see the smiles on the kids faces. Just meant that we had yet another best anniversary celebration.
