#blogtemberchallenge Day 12

Brave Love Blog

Day 12.

Tell us about your favourite tradition. It could be a family tradition or from a holiday,  university, you name it. What makes it special? 

Coming from a mixed marriage parentage.. I grew up with a vast varieties of traditions. But, the one I will never forget is the Tea Ceremony. 

Tea Ceremony is normally done during Chinese New Year or Weddings. Where the little children pay a form of respect by serving tea, and parents and adults give Red Packet in return. I love this tradition so much, that I insisted that we hold a Tea Ceremony during our wedding too. I even wore the traditional Chinese Kua. 

My dad, being indian and my in laws being punjabi was happy we did the tea ceremony too. When it came to our own parents, we had to kneel as a sign of respect and thanks that they raised us up and how much they have gone through for us. 

Every year during Chinese New Year, we never fail to host the tea ceremony. I love that I still get Red Packets even after marriage... Even my Amachi (dad's mom) did her first tea ceremony with us last year.. 

So yeah, this is one of the most important tradition that I will forever cherish and expect my little ones to follow. 
