Wedding Blog: Wedding Planning / Wedding Planners #patandclarewedding

We always want the ultimate wedding, or the wedding of our dreams. I think for many of the brides, we have always started imagining how our wedding should be like. And to be able to pull of all these beautiful inspiration, we start searching the web for ideas. Collect all the ideas that you like, compile them all together so when it comes to planning our your dream wedding.. It will slowly fall into place, and it's so much easier!

I highly recommend Martha Stewart's Wedding Blog, she has the best inspirations ever!! *click here*
I got a lot of ideas and inspirations from her.

I live a very hectic life. My days are always filled with work, house chores and my small business so when it came to planning my wedding I was going haywire with it. My 'hubster' on the other hand is an executive producer in a production house and he was always busy with work. We both knew that we needed help with our wedding planning. We decided to hire a wedding planner..

Note: Hire a wedding planner only when you have the budget for them and really really need them. If you feel that you can plan your wedding on your own and have family and friends help you out, it is not a necessity to hire a wedding planner. (My advice: Hire them, because I did not want to stress myself out, my family or my friends. I wanted my wedding to be a joyous occasion.)

For months I started scouting for the perfect wedding planner. And finally both 'hubster' and I found the perfect team. My Wedding Planner. The minute I saw their services immediately I sent them an email. We arranged to have a meet up so the planner can listen to what I have in mind and I could hear their opinion about it.

This is the Team from MY Wedding Planner

Note: Always get ready your inspirations and ideas, tell your planner exactly what kind of wedding you want. Listen to their advices because your planner is doing this as their job, they know what is best to help you. Always BE PREPARED WITH WEDDING BUDGET. Make sure you let your wedding planner know your budget so that they can plan out a perfect wedding within your budget. (My Advice: Sit down with your fiance and discuss what you both want for your wedding, make sure both parties are alright with your decision before you meet the planner.)

For our wedding, we wanted something simple yet memorable. And because I am a strong believer when it comes to traditions. We wanted to put in a little bit of traditional values to our wedding.

1. We had a church ceremony in the morning, there I opt for the Color Theme instead. I chose our favorite color. White, Nude & Powder Blue. (Color inspiration: Martha Stewart)
2. Chinese Customs. (FYI I am half chinese) Hubster had to 'pick up the bride' before church, and after church we had to do a tea ceremony. *click here*
3. Sikh Customs. (FYI Hubster is a sikh) Oil ceremony before the wedding and after the church ceremony. *click here*
4. Reception it was going to be a BOLLYWOOD THEMED wedding. *Click here*

We met up with our wedding planner Lane from MY Wedding Planner, we told her what we wanted. And she on the other hand told us her services and what she could do for us. She was so friendly and honest.  Immediately, we booked her there and then. Immediately she started getting to work sending us a checklist immediately.

Obviously it was our first time planning our wedding and it was sooooo much help receiving the checklist from Lane. It helped us a lot. From there she slowly helped get things organized for us. Getting the location and venue for us. Arranging everything and making sure everything fell in place. To be honest, I was totally glad and excited we hired them. On our wedding day, we both were soooooo relaxed and enjoyed ourselves so much thanks to them.

Here is the address to our wedding planner. In case you guys need to PO BOX em. =p
If you and your fiance have decided on a wedding DIY, good on you! Brides who want to DIY their own wedding always pays extra attention to the decorations and small details. I wanted to DIY my own wedding, but I realized I could not cope with all the beautiful creative ideas. There were some small details that i managed to DIY with the help of my bridesmaids and family. And some, from friends. Now to have a DIY wedding does not mean your cheap or anything. And to be honest, DIY weddings has the most meaningful moments ever! I got my source of inspirations from Pintrest. *click here* 

There are a heck load of amazing things you can DIY. Don't forget to ask Google for wedding advices too!!
