Nail Tutorial: Bollywood Inspired
Yesterday was my Uncle's wedding. So I desperately needed a nail art to fit my sari. My grandmother had this 'bling' saree theme. So planning a nail art to fit my sari was pretty easy, since I love blings too. =)
This was the sari that I wore for the wedding reception. Could not get a proper picture. (Sorry) Oh another thing I must stress, my mom dressed me up in my sari. Must give my mom credit, she is Chinese after all and tying a sari is not easy! =)
So let's begin the nail art. Bollywood style. =)
1. Base Coat
- Very Important!!
2. A Sparkly Base Coat
- Everything about Bollywood is how sparkly things are, so a sparkly pale base would add on extra sparkle. If not you can just keep it simple without applying any base color.
3. White Tips
- Create a longer wide tip. Not following your nail tips, create it longer. So that you can create the next effect. Also, the white helps to make your next step stand out more!
4. Apply Sparkly Tip Color.
- I chose a color that would match my sari. But also went for the more sparkly lighter color.
5. A Darker Sparkly Tip.
- To create a longer looking nail, I decided to also paint the tip using a darker sparkly color.
6. Big Rhinestone
- I added a big rhinestone in the middle of the french tip.
7. Smaller Rhinestones
- At the side of the bigger rhinestones, add on smaller rhinestones similar colored to the bigger rhinestone.
8. Gold Beads
- There's this thing about indian culture, the more gold you have, the more attention you get. So add on em gold beads...
9. Top Coat
- Top Coat to make your rhinestones stay put on your nails. So it's pretty important to use a good rhinestone.
Don't forget to let it dry for at least 5 minutes, so everything stays in place. And enjoy your bollywood party! =)